Unit 20, 4216 54th Avenue SE
Calgary, Alberta T2C 2EC
(587) 717-7621
Most accountants will be happy to tell you how much they can save you on your taxes (which may or may not be true), but will they tell you how to save on your accounting fees. As an accountant I am happy to do the work if you don’t want to, but there is always a balance between money and time that must be addressed. If you can make more money per hour running your business than your accountant charges you, then keep running your business. If not then you may want to consider the tips below. These tips are directed to businesses (Small corporations and proprietorships) like consultants and small service providers with one or two employees. If you have a high volume of sales and expenses you should seriously consider having someone in-house do your bookkeeping on a daily or weekly basis.
If the steps below don’t reduce your accounting fees, it may be time to look for a new accountant.
The key to reducing your fees is to be organized and knowledgeable about the “paper” side of your business. If you “don’t have time” or feel “paper pushing is a waste of time” you will have negative consequences to deal with. Firstly, you are likely going to pay CRA more than you should, or be selected for an audit due to non-compliance. Secondly, you will pay high accounting and bookkeeping fees to have someone else organize your records for you. The more organized you are the better off your business will be. If this doesn’t reduce your fees, you have a really good accountant already or need to shop around. I am betting on the latter.