Unit 20, 4216 54th Avenue SE
Calgary, Alberta T2C 2EC
(587) 717-7621
The following are articles (and videos) from CTV and other sources on the internet devoted exclusively to the CRA getting it wrong and dragging innocent people through hell. Some are from legal sources, again from the internet, and are to give you places to turn for help, or ideas on how lawyers view the CRA. I think the lawyers statements should be tempered a little, but given what they have seen, average citizens need to be aware of even the worst case scenarios.
I have regularly told people that the CRA make mistakes and that it is not often the accountants fault that things take a long time or that there are problems when dealing with CRA (one example took 13 years and is still not resolved properly). It is one thing for me to tell you, but an entirely different thing for me to show you. So here is the proof. I have viewed most of these videos in their entirety, and read the articles. My apologies for scaring you with this content, but the CRA can be really scarry. The content of some of these videos scared me, and I knew what to expect. All the links below are from the internet and are available if you search hard enough. I take no credit for this content other than the fact that I located them on the internet and compiled them into one location. Full credit for the content should go to the respective authors and copyright holders who did the research and published the material.
Consider this as information to try and ensure that you never find yourself on the wrong side of the camera or the wrong side of the story.
A nightmare when the Taxman got it wrong
W5 – CRA Tax Horror Story – CTV W5
Horror Stories when dealing with the CRA
Global News report on appeals at the CRA
Paul DioGuardi on Unfiled Tax Returns
16:9 Report On CRA Screwing a citizen on taxes
Interview with a CRA Auditor from YouTube
Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9DwihlwCFk&feature=relmfu
Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNaJ_HU8_F4&feature=relmfu
Part 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zN7zkm0oLxo&feature=relmfu
Part 4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ze8p6ilATRM&feature=relmfu
Tax Audit – Why Me? - Paul DioGuardi – You Tube
Back Taxes and Bankruptcy - DioGuardi Law – You Tube
Interview with guy who got convicted for not filing taxes - DioGuardi Law – You Tube
Tax Hell Part 1 – Back Taxes - DioGuardi Law – You Tube
Tax Hell Part 2 – Back Taxes - DioGuardi Law – You Tube
Bulletproofing your Records against CRA
Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4_nDTW8kUQ&feature=relmfu
Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXDCk1slojs
Part 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y77rIFPvo0k&feature=relmfu
Ken Lagasse Seminar on CRA Audits