Unit 20, 4216 54th Avenue SE
Calgary, Alberta T2C 2EC
(587) 717-7621
For those of you that have met me you know that I share what I know about the CRA. Having worked there for 15 years I saw and experienced a lot of things. Being out in the private sector now, I am seeing things from the opposite side of the fence. Given my experience at the CRA I am in a position to share unique perspectives and information that are not common knowledge to most people. Many accountants do not possess the knowledge that I do, which is why I try to share what I know with as many people as possible.
On many occasions I have made assertions to clients and friends alike. They all listen to what I say, but you can see in their eyes, or in the questions they ask (“It can’t take that long, can it?”) that they don’t truly believe. They know I worked at the CRA, they know I have no reason to lie, but yet they refuse to accept the truth. I understand the skepticism so whenever possible I try to show proof. In this regard I ask you to read the letter contained in the JPEG file that you will find below. I recently submitted a Notice of Objection to the CRA on behalf of a client. I told the client that it was going to take at least 3 to 6 months for the appeal to be addressed, and that it would likely be almost a year to get everything resolved. I could see that the client did not want to believe because CRA cannot be that slow. So….drumroll please ……… Here is the letter from the CRA that I received. I scanned it so that there would be no doubt that it is what I say it is. I have blocked out the clients information to preserve confidentiality of the clients information.